Last evening, we closed Intrigue down early (6:15pm!) and headed down Route 110 to Kodiak’s for our 2010 Holiday Party. We have grown this past year and have added new members to the team. So it was great to have everyone together for a nice night out.
And no, work was not discussed.
Not one bit.
At all.
OK, maybe just a little.
But it’s Mike’s fault. He started it. Or continued it. But, whatever….
Secret Santa stopped by for a visit, dropping off presents.
And Carolyn won big at her lottery scratch-offs.
Anyway, lots of things were learned in tales told from days of yore. For instance, whatever you do, don’t tick Bill off. Especially if he’s in a Mustang.
Speaking of driving, don’t tick Rob off when he’s on the road, unless you have a steel bumper and don’t mind extending your trip an extra 40 miles or so.
But a good time was had by all. Check out the photos. Link to a small movie clip follows at the bottom.
Lastly, just like in Vegas – what happens at the Intrigue holiday party, stays at the holiday party! OK, maybe not….
Quick movie clip of the party (download 2MB):
Intrigue Party 2010